Pre/Post Nuptial Agreements
A prenuptial agreement (sometimes called a pre-nup, premarital agreement, or prenuptial contract) is an arrangement entered into by a couple before they get married. This agreement is designed to regulate what should happen if a marriage breaks down and ends in divorce.
If you are planning on getting married and you or your partner’s family have an asset such as a business or farm that they want to pass on, a pre-nup can help protect it. Pre-nups can also be important in second marriages or in marriages where one or both parties have brought wealth to the marriage.
A postnuptial agreement (also called a post-nup or a post-marital agreement) is designed to deal with the same situation as a pre-nup – in other words, deciding what should happen to each partner’s assets after divorce. However, unlike a premarital agreement, which is agreed before a couple is married, a postnuptial agreement is entered into by the couple during their marriage. A post-nup can be a good thing to consider if you have previously separated but are now in a relationship again, and you want to avoid uncertainty if things go wrong again.
A Divorce is the legal process leading to the dissolution of your marriage following the irretrievable breakdown of your relationship. In Northern Ireland you must be married for 2 years before seeking a divorce. The irretrievable breakdown of your relationship must be evidenced by; 2 years separation with the consent of the other party; 5 years separation; unreasonable behaviour, adultery or desertion.
Ancillary Relief/Financial Remedies
Ancillary Relief is the process where financial issues following separation are determined by the courts. Ancillary Relief is progressed in cases where all attempts to reach a financial settlement have failed, this could be due to many reasons. The essential requirement of all financial settlement agreements are; that each party must provide open and frank disclosure of all financial matters and that each party must have the benefit of independent legal advice.
Private Family Law
This includes any issue involving children who are habitually resident in the United Kingdom such as, contact arrangements, residence or parental responsibility. It can also include matters that may arise in a child’s upbringing that require a decision to be made when those with parental responsibility disagree; a specific issues order directs that something is done or a prohibited steps order directs that something is not done.
The courts expect that mediation is attempted in all private law family matters prior to court litigation.
Sometimes issues can arise that may involve an international element.
Public Family Law
This is when social services have become involved with you and your family
Social services may become involved with your family due to many reasons. If this happens it is important to seek expert advice from the start to guide you through the process.
If you wish to avail of mediation Fox Law has trained mediators who will explain the process. For meditation to be successful you need to know your legal rights to make informed decisions regarding matters. Mediation is the process where a trained mediator will act as an impartial facilitator to aid communication of difficult matters in joint meetings to achieve an agreed way forward.
Domestic Violence
If you require the protection of the court due to domestic violence it is important that you seek advice in confidence.
If you are a victim of Domestic violence and in fear of harm you can seek protection from the court now. Don’t wait act now and contact Fox Law with your details.
Step-Parent Adoptions
A step- parent seeking to adopt a child.